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Creación e interpretación:

Carlos Espinoza

Estreno: Quito, Ecuador 2021

Recital de tres solos de danza inspiradas en mi peregrinaje de estos años.  El material surge a partir de la necesidad de contar con el cuerpo experiencias que trascienden las palabras. El movimiento, la quietud, la voz, la música, el silencio, son algunos de los recursos que se exploran. En ellas se cuestiona el cuerpo y se busca cómo moverse más allá de los condicionamientos socio-culturales.


He trabajado muchos meses en mi intimidad zafándome de las convenciones de lo que es ser artista. Cuestiono mi identidad, mis raíces, mis comportamientos y mis imágenes de lo que es ser un bailarín. Ya no sé si lo que hago está bien o mal o si tiene algún valor a los ojos de los otros. Se han roto las paredes de la sala de ensayo para verme explorar debajo de un árbol, en un bosque, a la sombra de una casa vieja, o en cualquier cuartucho que encuentre en los lugares que naufrago. El material que quiero presentar ha salido de ahí, de dejarme de quejar y arrastrarme gustoso en el lodo.


Animal Being

Release: Ankara, Turkey 2019

Duration: 15minutes

Seeking to know who I am and where I come from, I face a body immersed in a mixed and complex culture. I question my own body and how it can move free from society’s conditioning. Training allows me to enter to a new space and discover parts of a puzzle that constitute my complexity as human being. I gathered the pieces: dance, traditional feasts, cultures, land, music, voice, journeys; and explore with them.

On the street I had an important push. In 2018, while travelling far away from home, having a new perspective of myself and the culture I was born at, I did some dance explorations while performing on the street. I was vulnerable. You never know if people are going to accept or insult you. Or even worse, ignore you. It is a risky situation that builds up the attitude of a warrior. After several life-changing street interventions, I slowly found a new hint about myself and my place on Earth. “Roots” was born. Eventually, I brought parts of the street performance together and composed a solo performance.

On scene, a strange creature appears crawling down. Its body is confused and cannot find itself. Even though pain, sorrow and darkness surround it; it keeps on seeking in the dark until it finds a mask: a piece of wood that carries within ghosts from other times, other lives, other ways. Ancestral celebrations, vivid colors, dance, nature, humans are all condensed into a simple animal mask. When the mask comes to play, the chaos starts to become a shape. Life becomes a feast that enlightens the pathway. The body transforms into different beings that dialogue with one another. Strength, tenderness, joy, sorrow possess the body giving birth to a new being: animal and human, ancestral and modern, mixed and pure.



Release: Quito, Ecuador 2021

Duration: 16minutes

It is the story of a wonderer seeking blindly for his fate.  He travels to strange lands as far as not being able to return home. He gets lost. The desert spreads his heart with timeless silence. A place where appearances merge: our personality, our plans, our certainties, everything illusory that keep us alive day by day. Now, what is there left?


This work is the result of months of private personal training. Looking for other ways of seeing an artist, I question my identity, my roots, my behaviors, the images of what is it to be a dancer. I no longer know if what I do is good or bad or if it has any value for others. The training room’s walls were destroyed to see myself explore under a tree, in a forest, by and old house’s shade, at any hovel I find wherever I cast away. I’ve let myself draw joyfully on the mud.

Su Olor

the fragrance

Release: Quito, Ecuador 2021

Duration: 18minutes

A story that didn’t have a clear beginning nor end. When approaching this sacred game we call Love, we find uncertainty staining a heart with pain and daily sharing turning the ephemeral into concrete. The masses started to merge, set apart and suddenly united again. A continuous pleasure seasoned with tearing. How did this thing last this much? Perhaps faith, perseverance, abnegation, stubbornness. Who could ever know? I refuse to judge. At the end of the day, there are debts written down on invisible, intangible books; secretly secured in the everlasting complicity’s coffer.


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Wttsp: +593992011595

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