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Self Exploring Method

A calling for the self

Our body is a trunk filled up with a variety of secrets: in it we carry the image we have of ourselves and the way we see the world, our life's motivations and expectations, our behavior, desires, etc. What if one day we decide to open it and uncover what might have been unattended during a lifetime?

Aim of the workshop

How can we know who we are if we are not able to see ourselves from outside? The workshop leads a self exploration process. We use a diversity of movement guidelines to attain a different level of attention in which we can see ourselves from a new perspective. The body exploration process is actually long and laborious. Learning how to open ourselves to our inner world requires a holistic life work. The workshop intends to sting our body with a antidote that should awaken our desire for questioning our normal behavior in life, to keep on asking and searching for answers as we keep on going our way.

Who can join the workshop?

The workshop is open to all kinds of bodies and conditions. It doesn't require a particular dance level or development in any technique, nor flexibility or any extraordinary abilities. Our own body sets the possibilities of the work and as our work "instrument'' we treat it in a delicate and subtle way but making sure we don't spoil it. The only and most important requirement is to carry with us a good amount of desire to explore ourselves. You can be from 15 to 100 years old.

Workshop guidelines


The workshop gives us practical tools for approaching our own body/mind. There are a great variety of guidelines we use according to the environment generated in every session and the need that arises in every group. Among the different methods, we can mention the following:
· Relation of our feet with the floor
· Waking of individual parts of our body
· Types of bodies: moods, speeds, intensity, behaviors and so on.
· Sight: inward, outward, closed, focused, etc.
· Levels: high or standing level, mid level, floor level.
· The relation of our breath with our body
· Voice exploration
· Contact with other bodies
· Stillness
. Silence

About my master's work

In addition to the different experiences I have been living this last decade, my work is strongly influenced by my Ecuadorian master Wilson Pico.  Wilson's work is founded on experience he has attained during more than 50 years.


For English, turn subtitles on.


Courtesy: UÄŸur and Serenay together with her dance group.


Wttsp: +593992011595

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